Evaporation-based Water Purifier Cone

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Water Cone Evaporation

When you evaporate and condense water, the condensed water is 100% pure water. This means the purified water is completely safe to drink, as nasty chemicals and bugs do not evaporate with the water. The WaterCone is a very simple gadget that purifies water by the process of evaporation.

Water Cone Diagram

Water is poured on to the black tray. As water evaporates, it condenses on the inside of the clear plastic cone. The condensed water then runs down the sides of the cone into the outer tray. When the outer tray is full, you then drain it into your water vessel of choice.

Water Cone being drained

The Water Cone can hold up to 1.7 litres of dirty water at a time, and it only takes a few hours for the water to be condensed. It costs around $30 (even less with mass production I’d imagine), so is easily cheap enough for mass distribution. The cone is designed to last about 5 years, so that’s a great level of usage for a very low-tech water purification eco gadget!

Source: EcoFriend