Tag: sustainable materials

Home / sustainable materials
May 7, 2013May 7, 2013

Elis and Kreese – Contemporary Design Using Recycled Fire Hose

Elis and Kresse are a designer duo who create innovative accessories from recycled fire hoses in Britain. They source this hoses from various fire brigades and after they have been retired and set to be disposed, and process it into an unique material that is used to create belts, bags and many more accessories. What’s...

May 5, 2013May 5, 2013

Eco-Green Resins-Sustainable Resins for the Eco-Conscious

Resins are compounds that are used to patch, fill and join surfaces and contain a high degree of adhesive properties that enable them to form a solid patch upon drying. World over they are used in industries, construction, automobiles etc. Within your home-you would be using a resin to fix a leaking pipe or join...

April 29, 2013April 29, 2013

Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable fashion is a collective term for an Eco-friendly and ethical form of fashion design which can involve using organic materials, decrease or omit chemical usage, not using animal product, generating a lesser carbon footprint and also creating an ethical business process.  The idea behind sustainable fashion is to create a safer, healthier and naturally...

April 17, 2013April 17, 2013

Biopolymers – Ingeo

Biopolymers are polymers derived from natural sources. One such example is Ingeo, which is derived from sugars produced by plants during the cycle of photosynthesis. Plants convert air, water, nutrients from soil in presence of light to starch, which is the basic constituent of all fruits and vegetables. In an initial stage, Ingeo has been...

December 25, 2012December 25, 2012

What is a Carbon Footprint?

World over, people are becoming more environment conscious, and there is an increased focus on protecting the environment, reducing pollution, and using eco-friendly materials. One such term we often get to hear is about the carbon footprint. Carbon footprint is the measure of pollution (In terms of emitted greenhouse gases) which a product, or a manufacturing cycle,...

July 18, 2011July 18, 2011

Biodegradable Chinese Sky Lanterns

These are a great way to make any occasion a real celebration. Unlike conventional lanterns, these are constructed from biodegradable and sustainable parts, helping them to pose no hazard to farm animals or wildlife and be eco-friendly.

July 4, 2011June 27, 2011

EcoCradle Mushroom Packaging

This EcoCradle Mushroom Packaging is a great way to package items safely without the need for the chemically made packaging materials. The packaging naturally breaks down in even a garden compost heap, and is created from mycelium growing around agricultural by-products, and so can be grown into any shape desired.

April 1, 2011April 1, 2011

Mud Bricks By MecoConcept

Building homes from mud is an age old way of constructing safe warm homes from very little. This new Hydraulic Compressor By MecoConcept can create a solid compact brick from mud in around 30 seconds. Each brick from the compressor has a LEGO brick like appearance helping it to be used with ease to quickly...