Tag: iPod Charger

Home / iPod Charger
September 4, 2010September 4, 2010

Emergency Solar Charger for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch

As the name suggests, the Emergency Solar Charger for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch is a compact little solar-powered battery and charger, which can be used to charge up your iPod Touch or iPhone in an emergency. The charger contains a battery which is charged up via the solar panel. When you need the...

August 3, 2010July 26, 2010

iSol Plus – Portable Solar Charger

The iSol Plus is a solar powered charger designed to allow you to charge your portable electronic products from environmentally friendly electricity. The charger’s size allows you to take the device anywhere with you, the solar panel ensures you can regain charge even when away from mains electricity.

February 9, 2010February 9, 2010

Infinit IV2.1 Solar Charger Backpack Review

Today I have the privilege of reviewing a stunning piece of eco-friendly gadgetry, namely the Infinit IV2.1 Solar Charger Backpack. The backpack features a large 2.4W solar panel, neatly integrated on the front of the bag. The solar panel is used to charge up an internal battery, which can then be used to charge up...

December 4, 2009December 7, 2009

Regen’s ReNu Solar-Powered Docking Station Charger

Personal solar panels are finally becoming more portable and functional – making alternative sources of energy like solar power a reality for many consumers and gadget fans. Regen’s ReNu is an example of an emerging breed of solar products that promise to bring solar energy to the masses. Regen’s ReNu packages a solar panel in...

July 15, 2009July 14, 2009

Gobe Solar-Panel Suitcase and Powerpack

We have so many electronic gadgets these days, but truly portable solar charger system are not particularly common yet. However, the GoBe solar charger kit supports a range of devices, and comes with a handy briefcase for the solar panels, and a portable solar pack for the battery and charger electronics. The solar panel is...

May 26, 2009July 13, 2009

Mini Kin Personal Wind Turbine Charger

The is a mini wind turbine that contains a 1500mAh lithium polymer battery to charge up your various gadgets whilst being green at the same time. The MiniKin charger comes with a number of holders so that you can catch the wind while on your bike, boat or out running.

May 25, 2009July 13, 2009

Orange Power Pump Charger for Glastonbury 2009

As part of their phone charger innovation work, Orange has come up with a compact mobile phone charger in the form of a foot pump gadget. Created by GotWind, the foot pump drives an air turbine which then charges your mobile phone. Orange will be showcasing the gadget at Glastonbury 2009, which is being held...

May 11, 2009May 1, 2009

Gramo Speakers – Solar-Powered Speakers

The Gramo Speakers are the creation of Pekka Salokannel. The speakers fold out into a gramaphone-styled speaker that you can connect to your music player. The top three panels of the speaker contain solar panels which are used to top up the battery on your MP3 player or iPod.

April 1, 2009July 23, 2009

One-size-fits-all powermonkey eXplorer Solar Charger

With all the solar chargers hitting the market, the is a very full-featured charger gadget that easily beats the competition when it comes to features. Essentially the charger will charge up every phone, games console, MP3 player, etc that you throw at it. The edge is that it has an LCD display giving you the...

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