Tag: Go Green

Home / Go Green
November 29, 2012November 29, 2012

Bio Ethanol – Alternate Fuel Source

Ethanol is pure alcohol which is found in alcoholic beverages. It’s being widely used as a fuel to power automobiles, as an alternative to gasoline and diesel.  Ethanol is generally blended with Gasoline to create a mixture for combustion, as pure ethanol isn’t very combustible in cold weather. Ethanol powered vehicles are being used in...

November 21, 2012November 21, 2012

Environmental Effects of Servers and Data Centers

Although a major progress has been seen in Information technology and today it’s the leading source of world. It has changed all the work processes and development flow of IT applications. Information technology itself is not at much green as it looks and all its hardware equipment have been viewed had largest amount of pollution emitters.  ...

September 25, 2012September 25, 2012

Google Huge Investment In Clean Green Energy

At Google, the investments in green energy mean to invest for innovations and large scale clean energy projects which should become the major project source in the future. To speed up the development and innovations, Google has put significant funding and resources along with new technologies. Google has invested more than $915 million till today...

September 6, 2012September 6, 2012

Eco Button To Save Your Pocket And Planet

Some people have decided to not participate in global warming movements and perform anything which is best for their environment, but some have jumped on the band wagon and much to the frustration of others, now go around turning off all the lights and unplugging things. Whether we like it or not, this issue is...

August 23, 2012August 23, 2012

Use Of Wood For Home Décor Artwork

Use of wood for Home Décor artwork For wood workers, wood is one of the designable and versatile materials ever available for construction. Being renewable and relatively inexpensive, this has been used in furniture and home constructions from last thousand years. This has been majorly used in artwork and home décor. Unfortunately, excessive logging and...

August 16, 2012August 16, 2012

What is Green Transportation and why it is important

Green transportation  Green transportation or sustainable transport refers to any form of transport which is following the rules of Going Green. It also includes the non-motorized transport  like  green vehicles, CarSharing, transit oriented development, walking and urban transport system like fuel efficient, healthy lifestyles and space savings. Green transport or sustainable transportation system make a...

August 15, 2012August 15, 2012

Environmental Issues With No Boundaries

World has been gifted with tremendous amount of valuable resources for human kind. However, some of these resources are limited or subject to high change due to acts of human beings. Human beings have been gifted with free oxygen to breath, water to drink, bath, plant and wash as well as soil for plantation. There...

May 1, 2012May 5, 2012

A guide to design eco-friendly Life

In fairy tales, you may find that prince and princess are sitting beside a water lake in green gross, there are thick clouds on the sky, few birds are flying there and environment is really fascinating to enjoy the story and bring you in such beautiful scenes which are hard to watch in our real...