Tag: Go Green

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March 14, 2013March 14, 2013

Kirei USA Eco-Friendly Construction Materials

The concept of Eco-friendly homes is fast catching-up across the world with a choice of Eco-friendly materials used for construction and interior, thereby reducing carbon emission and creating a safer environment. One such store where you can shop for a natural elements to build your home or workplace is kireiusa.com which offers various sustainable natural...

March 8, 2013November 30, 2012

Alternate Fuel – Biomass Briquettes

Biomass briquettes are made from natural waste such as grain husk, bagasse, refined municipal waste, certain variety of weeds and other natural substances which are left out after oil and food grain production. They are made by compressing and molding these substances to create a solid mass or a briquette. This can be used to...

March 4, 2013March 4, 2013

Eco-tourism Urgent Call for Higher Standards Transformation

In tourism industry where a fastest pace has been seen in natural oriented-tourism but a higher standard transformation is an urgent call for ecotourism planners. Today, travel industry has enlisted the park agencies and environmental organizations and has promoted the natural travel sites as hottest possible package with dual benefits. But is the eco-tourism that...

February 26, 2013February 26, 2013

Eco-Friendly Packaging

Most of use miss giving more than a glance at the packaging materials that come with most of the goods we purchase. They are often thrown away, with a confidence that such thin sheets or balls would not cause any major harm and can be easily taken care of. However, the actual consumption of such...

February 22, 2013February 22, 2013

Tallest Sears tower in United States Go Green

In United States, the Sears Tower is the tallest building and will be getting a green makeover over in next five years. According to Green Roofing research department, this phenomena is more eco-friendly and beneficial for the environment. . Buildings nationwide are the cause, according to the U.S Department of State, for 36 percent of...

February 20, 2013February 20, 2013

How to Build an Eco-friendly House?

Acquiring the eco-friendly habits is started from your care and move towards an eco-friendly home and that’s easier when you have an efficiently working machine to build it. This is the first difference between a house and car because you cannot build a car and change it to eco-friendly, while you can do the same...

February 14, 2013February 14, 2013

NGOs Committed To Rescue Abandoned Lots in Brooklyn

A non-profit group has committed to rescue the abandoned lots in Brooklyn, stated in New York Times. While its first anniversary was celebrated a month before, 596 acres of land was found in this countdown which was neglected lands lots in Brooklyn. This non-profit group has motivated the neighbors of unused land lots currently owned...

February 6, 2013February 6, 2013

GreenPeace Rolling Sunlight unit to Provide Power to Sandy Victims

The sandy has been ended with month of October but still there are many areas which remained a question to be solved. Many regions of United States which were affected with hurricane sandy remained devastated after weeks of the storms. Many states, cities and town were subjected to Hurricane sandy, resulting in $50 million damages...

February 2, 2013February 2, 2013

Eco-friendly Cardboard made $9 Bicycle

You may think it is an April joke? But it’s a truth that Izhar Gafni has successfully developed a bicycle from cardboard and recycled materials. This cardboard bicycle has been made of recycled material and a $9 cheap, light, durable and strong eco-friendly vehicle. This news was made to headlines about invention of Gafni ever...

January 29, 2013February 1, 2013

Leave Your Car in Garage one Day of Week

People cannot imagine a day or week without cars in this fast pace world where life has been become fast and lagging is not bearable for anyone. For how much you are dedicated to green living, leaving a face pace life with your car is now turning difficult till eco-friendly vehicles all around on the...