Tag: Bamboo Fiber

Home / Bamboo Fiber
April 21, 2013April 21, 2013

iBamboo Speaker

We are all familiar with Bamboo shoots which are now being used in diverse ways such as for handicrafts, textiles (yes… Bamboo Fiber), interiors etc.  You would quire be surprised to check out this mind-blogging  innovation of Bamboo-that is by using  them as a natural amplifies your iPhone speakers.  The device is called the iBamboo...

December 17, 2012December 17, 2012

Bamboo Fiber- A new Trend in Eco-Friendly Clothing

All of us are familiar with bamboo- the tall shoots that decorate parks and gardens. Bamboo is actually a type of reed or grass and is known to grow fast,  requires very less water and often grows in bunches. Bamboo is widely used in handicrafts, agricultural implements, housing needs and in the manufacture of paper. Bamboo...