Solar Systems for a Green Home

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Solar Systems for a Green Home


Solar systems can be used to power a variety of products to help you live a greener lifestyle at home.. Solar systems are one of the cleanest renewable energy sources available as they harness all of their energy from the heat and light of the sun. We all know that people have been using solar systems for years to provide energy for homes and businesses, but solar energy has many other green household uses as well.

One use is to harness solar energy to purify and desalinate (remove the salt from), water. You can purchase large solar systems to clean a great amount of water, or small ones. The smaller water purifying solar systems would be a great item to add to your hiking or camping kit. All you would need is the sun and you could make any water drinkable. This has long been touted as the greenest way to purify water, as it requires no chemicals. You can also purchase larger kits and purify water in your back yard for use in the kitchen and household. This requires a bit of work, but it is a great way to provide healthy water for your family using a green renewable energy source.

Purification is not the only use for solar when it comes to your families water consumption. Solar systems can also be purchased to heat your water. Solar water heaters are probably the greenest choice available on the market today. There are two primary types, active and passive. The main difference is that active solar water heaters contain circulating pumps and controls. There are many subtypes available depending which sort you choose. While a bit pricey to install, the energy you save, and the benefit to the environment, make it a purchase that will pay great dividends.

Another example of great green products that can be powered by solar systems are solar cookers. Solar cookers come in different varieties including box cookers, panel cookers, and solar kettles. You can purchase a box solar cooker and use the sun to cook your food in your back yard. You can even purchase solar system kits to make your own solar cooker. Conventional stoves and ovens use a great deal of energy. Using a solar cooker even a few times a week can cut this usage quite a bit. Talk about harnessing green energy and reducing your carbon footprint!

Solar systems are a great way to live a greener lifestyle at home. They can reduce your carbon footprint in the kitchen and beyond. If your family is concerned about your carbon footprint, then solar may be the way to go. If you cannot yet purchase solar panels, buying a solar system to heat or purify your water, or even to cook may be a small step you can take in the green direction.