Solar Powered Leather Case for iPhone 2G and 3G

Home / MP3 Gadgets / Solar Powered Leather Case for iPhone 2G and 3G

If you have an iPhone or iPod Touch, you know that surfing the web over WiFi or 3G will drain the battery fairly quickly, compared to listening to music or playing the odd game. However, this creative leather charger case from Brando allows you to charge up your iPhone or iPod Touch when you’re on the move. Hopefully extending the life of your battery before you need to charge it again at home.

The leather case actually has it’s own lithium ion rechargeable battery with a 1500mAh capacity. Therefore you can leave you case in the sun (such as on a window-ledge or in your car). You can then have your iPod Touch or iPhone with you. When the case battery has fully charged, it can charge an iPhone in 3 hours. This means you don’t have the inconvenience of having to leave your phone in the sun.

Although the charger does not specifically refer to compatibility with the iPod Touch, I imagine it will work fine with it. Most devices are 100% compatible between the iPhone and iPod Touch.

Source: Coolest-Gadgets