PUYL Bicycle Pump and Hand-Powered Torch Combo

Home / Outdoor Eco Gadgets / PUYL Bicycle Pump and Hand-Powered Torch Combo

Bicycle Pump - Hand-Powered Light - Side View

The PUYL is a combined bicycle pump and a hand-powered torch in one, perfect for cyclists everywhere. Designed by industrial designerKai Malte Roever, the pump uses the motion of a magnet through copper coils to generate electricity. This electricity is used to charge a battery which then powers the LED-based light bulb at the end of the pump.

Bicycle Pump - Hand-Powered Light - Pumped

Tyres can be inflated by the pump by using the side-mounted filling hole, since the end of the pump is replaced by the LED light. However, you don’t need a flat tyre in order to charge the light!

Bicycle Pump - Hand-Powered Light - Mounted

The designer has submitted a patent application for the design. A good thing too, as it’s a great blend of technology.

Source: Eco-Friend