Bye Bye Standby System – Ultra-Simple Energy Saving

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Bye Bye Standby System

The Bye Bye Standby System is a collection of devices that can help you to turn off your electronic devices quickly and easily. By totally cutting off the power to electrical devices when not in use daily energy usage is decreased. The connected devices can be turned on or off with ease using either a remote control or a wall switch.

Bye Bye Standby System

The Bye Bye Standby System can help you reduce your bills. It is thought that an average household has up 12 electronic devices on standby or on charge at any time. By simply turning charging devices off once they are charged and cutting the power to devices on standby the average household can save around 10% of their electricity bill.

The system comprises of smart sockets that you plug into your mains power points and then you plug your devices into these sockets. The smart sockets cut the power to the device(s) plugged into them. The smart sockets can be controlled with a remote control that can be brought with a socket or separately. The remote allows you to control different groups of devices together or individual devices if desired. The buttons for the remote can be set to whichever smart socket you desire, or to several, giving you freedom to turn off exactly what you want to quickly and easily.

Bye Bye Standby System

The Bye Bye Standby System also includes a wall switch. The switch is able to turn off all smart sockets that are in range at once. The wall switch has a 30 m range and can work through walls. This can then allow you at the flick of one switch to turn off all unneeded electrical devices at once within a house. Unlike a remote it will always be where you left it!

The Bye Bye Standby System allows you to prevent wasteful electrical use by items on standby or by chargers that are left permanently plugged in. By using a remote or wall switch the system is easy to use to fully cut power to whichever device you wish, or to turn it back on. By saving electricity in this way you will reduce your electricity bill and your carbon footprint.

The Bye Bye Standby Wall Switch is just £10.99 with free delivery. You can also get a pair of Bye Bye Standby Wall Sockets for £12.99 (with free delivery), and a starter pack with 1 Bye Bye Standby Socket and 1 Remote for £12.08 (with free delivery).
