Tony’s Farm Tough Moulded-Pulp Eco-Packaging

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Tony’s Farm Eco-Packaging

Tony’s Farm Eco-Packaging is a step towards a more eco-friendly packaging for the leading organic farm in China. The farm wished to use a packaging that was more in fitting with its environmentally aware philosophy. This pulp molded box allows the produce to be safely transported while being reusable, stack-able and sustainable.

Tony’s Farm Eco-Packaging

Tony’s Farm Eco-Packaging has been envisioned by designer Matthias Burhenne to allow Tony’s Farm in China to be able to transport their organic fruit and vegetables safely to their customers. The molded pulp packaging created from sustainable sources is moisture resistant, helping it to safely hold the produce, it is suitable for reuse and once it has come to the end of its usefulness the packaging can be easily recycled, or composted. Tony’s Farm Eco-Packaging has been designed to allow it to be stack-able, so that the amount of space the empty packaging takes is kept to a minimum.

The boxes are designed to be used to take the produce to the customers, and to be returned for reuse. The packaging boxes though could be useful in a variety of ways in a home. These boxes could make a suitable alternative to plastic bags or plastic boxes often used to transport produce. Though many supermarkets do allow you to reuse cardboard boxes when in store those using online delivery find their produce transported in many plastic bags, carried in plastic carriers. Many stores will collect the plastic bags for recycling, though reducing the amount of plastic used would still be of significant benefit to the environment. It is not known however why the produce pictured has been securely encased in differing plastic wrappers, the boxes would allow you to place in fruit and vegetables unwrapped.

Source: Matthias Burhenne