Seedbed Roll – Easy To Grow Salad

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Seedbed On A Roll Easy to Grow Salad

This Seedbed comes as a roll of grow mat that includes all you need to grow tasty salad leaves with a minimum of effort. By just rolling the seedbed mat out and securing it you have done most of the work needed to ensuring you have a supply of salad leaves for the summer.

Seedbed On A Roll Easy to Grow Salad

The Seedbed roll is a grow mat that has had seeds for different salad leaves already added to it, spaced out as the plants require for growth. On top of this it has a coating that as the leaves grow becomes an inbuilt polytunnel, to ensure optimum growing. Because of this the seedbed roll helps anyone to grow salad leaves easily. There are no worries with weeding as the mat helps to block any weeds from growing up, the polytunnel helps to keep the leaves warm and moist, plus both help to keep any pests to a minimum. This ensures a high quality of home grown salad leaves with a minimum of effort, no need to go weeding or spray your plants with any pesticides.

To plant the Seedbed roll all you need to do is clear a patch of earth to lay it flat out on, water the ground so it is nice and damp and roll the mat out. Using some of the soil pin down the edges of the mat to stop it moving or blowing away. Small rocks could even be used to help anchor it down. That is all the hard work done! From then on its a simple case of keeping it watered. As the seeds germinate they grow down into the soil and secure the mat to the ground, the leaves that grow up push the layer of plastic polytunnel film up creating the polytunnel itself. Due to perforations in this plastic film it can expand as the leaves grow tall, creating a great growing environment for your salad leaves. To access the salad the plastic film just needs to be rolled back to uncover the leaves within.

The Seedbed Roll comes in three different types, Mediterranean salad, English summer salad, and Oriental salad. The Mediterranean salad includes Chicory Italico Rosso, Rocket Dentellata, Lettuce Catalogna Cerbitta and Amaranth. The English summer salad includes Lettuce Red Batavia, Green Batavia, Tango Lettuce and Cos Lettuce. The Oriental salad includes Mustard Red Frills, Mustard Green Frills, Mizuna, Tatsoi and Pak Choi. Each Seedbed roll is estimated to produce around 50 bags of salad leaves. Remember you can simply pick the outer leaves off and leave the plant to grow, there is no need to cut off the plant totally each time you want some salad. This helps you to get the most from your plants.

Each Seedbed Roll costs just £6.99 plus delivery.