Philips HF3480 – Energy Saving Progressive Wake-Up Light

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Philips HF3480 Wake-Up Light with Radio Alarm

The Philips Wake-Up Light with Radio Alarm has been designed to encourage you to wake naturally, to help make waking a more pleasurable experience. Using an energy saving bulb, the light slowly increases the light level to simulate the dawn, you can also use sounds of nature which increase slowly in volume as you near the start of your day.

Philips HF3480 Wake-Up Light with Radio Alarm

The Philips HF3480 Wake-Up Light allows you to be in control of how you wish to wake up without any jarring sudden noises or sounds. By slowly increasing light levels in a room your body prepares to wake up in a natural way. The light helps to stimulate the brain into producing cortisol, a hormone that helps you to feel energetic. During the summer months many find waking in the morning easier and less painful than it can be in winter months. The light aims to help recreate a summer dawn at whatever time you need it, to help you wake easily every morning.

Half an hour before the time you have set your alarm for, the light gets to work slowly growing brighter. The energy efficient bulb is able to reach up to 300 lux of light intensity, this level of light intensity has been shown to be beneficial in producing cortisol. The exact brightness the light achieves can be set by you, as individuals we all have different tolerances for light, by setting the intensity you can ensure the perfect amount for you.

Once you hit your alarm time the alarm tone you have selected will start to sound. To start with it will be at a soft and gentle level, increasing in volume over time. The light offers different sounds that can be used, birds in the forest,  jungle noises and wind charms offer a more natural sounding alarm to your morning, but a friendly beep or your chosen radio station can also be used. The level the sound increases to can be set by you to ensure it is never too loud, helping to prevent waking up from being a jarring process while ensuring you do wake in time.

The light can also be used to simulate dusk, allowing light levels to gently fall, helping to encourage sleep. The duration of this can be preset, great for those who often fall asleep reading leaving a bedside light on for many unused hours. This also allows you to fall asleep without any concern over lights needing to be turned off as the device will be slowly turning itself off as your drift to sleep. There are proven health benefits to being woken by naturally increasing  light levels (especially when the light achieves at least 300 lux), this light by Philips offers this while using an energy saving bulb, to help reduce the amount of electricity that would otherwise be required.

By acting as a bedside lamp, alarm and radio combined it can also help reduce the amount of batteries that could otherwise be used, in radios and alarms. For those that have these electronic items individually the combined drain is likely to be higher than the use of this device. The Wake-Up Light can help you wake up full of energy and ready for the new day. It is thought to be the first of its type to make use of an energy saving bulb and due to its features may help to reduce your electrical usage.

The Philips Wake-Up Light is only £61.47 and qualifies for free delivery in the UK.