One Acre Natural Attractant Mosquito Trap

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One Acre Natural Attractant Mosquito Trap

The One Acre Natural Attractant Mosquito Trap allows you to take control of your outdoor spaces. The trap attracts mosquitoes and other such flying pests to itself, trapping them away safely, freeing you from their presence so you can enjoy your outdoor areas both day and night .

The One Acre Natural Attractant Mosquito Trap frees you of flying pests without the need for harmful chemicals. The trap makes use of  two fluorescent bulbs that produce ultraviolet rays, these react with the titanium dioxide coating that is inside the trap producing carbon dioxide. The trap then attracts the flying pests as it produces heat and scentless carbon dioxide, similar to us breathing out. Mosquitoes and other such pests cannot resist and are drawn to the trap where the removable net captures them as they are sucked into the trap by the powerful fan. The net effectively contains the pests until they die.

The One Acre Natural Attractant Mosquito Trap can be stood up or hung up in your outdoor space to trap those annoying flying pests. The trap, unlike those that require propane or those that electrocute them, does not release any harmful pathogens, or require constant top ups. The bulbs are long lasting, though the mesh and removable net may require cleaning to ensure the buildup of dead pests is cleared away allowing the trap to work effectively.

This mosquito trap mimics human habitation, drawing the pests away from humans and trapping them within itself safely and efficiently. Though the trap does require electricity to operate it do not produce the harmful biological agents other traps do, nor does it require constant topping up of fuels such as propane. The trap offers you a more natural way to be free of mosquitoes this summer.

The One Acre Natural Attractant Mosquito Trap is just $199.95, plus a small shipping fee.