GreenPeace Rolling Sunlight unit to Provide Power to Sandy Victims

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GreenPeace Rolling Sunlight unit to provide power to Sandy Victims

The sandy has been ended with month of October but still there are many areas which remained a question to be solved. Many regions of United States which were affected with hurricane sandy remained devastated after weeks of the storms. Many states, cities and town were subjected to Hurricane sandy, resulting in $50 million damages only in United States. Power issue is the top priority along with huge constructions damage, but a temporary solution of power would be helpful. Many Government and NGOs worked parallel to get rid of this external unpredicted damage. Still efforts of Greenpeace are unmatchable because of its energy generators deployment around the effected States.

Rolling Sunlight generations are a quick solution for power issue and eco-friendly friend for Americans. It was quite challenging to restore the power beyond New York due to Hurricane Sandy damages, because energy infrastructure was highly subjected the storms and resulting big volume of damages. After sandy stopped its onslaught, Rockaway left without power for all the week and most of the everyday activities had been affected and almost damages.

More power delay brought more economic and practical losses and some power stations worked really hard to bring emergency backup for the citizens. In those areas where power startup was a difficult task, GreenPeace started a rolling sunlight generator to help the victims. How far we have talked about and seen the green energy alternatives, where they had gone during such emergency days? Thankful to GreenPeace that has decided to roll out a rolling sunlight unit and 24 hours electric power availability to some of the needed camps and sights away from the cities.

Rolling sunlight is a special green vehicle introduced by GreenPeace to offer as much energy as offered by a standard grid in those areas where primary power source has been damaged or not available. This vehicle was introduced about a year ago and in last many years it was used to provide power source in special events like press conferences and concerts. This power vehicle looks similar to a simple truck through one side, but its solar power panels are visible on the top. This GreenPeace initiative has been set at 50 kilowatt-hours, so it remains operational for a whole day.

GreenPeace Rolling Sunlight unit to provide power to Sandy Victims

The power system used in Rolling sunlight is not a mystery, it is a similar solar energy system which bunch of the charging batteries and other needed components for working of solar energy, that have been light to transport through truck. However, we praise this simple idea of energy deployment; it’s brilliant. A rolling sunlight can be easily placed without diesel generator and easily places to eco-friendly and safe energy everywhere. In those cities where fuel is still a problem as future heavy consumption, this eco-friendly truck is a sign of the happiness.

The Rolling Sunlight unit that was deployed in New York City to power just one station, but it worked so effectively and provided the power more than six days.  It’s good to know that innovations like these can be made to aid in relief efforts after such natural disasters. We just hope that there are more eco-friendly units like the Rolling Sunlight that will provide emergency power in case of such natural disasters.