A guide to design eco-friendly Life

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Go Green
Go Green

In fairy tales, you may find that prince and princess are sitting beside a water lake in green gross, there are thick clouds on the sky, few birds are flying there and environment is really fascinating to enjoy the story and bring you in such beautiful scenes which are hard to watch in our real life. But it doesn’t mean the world is lacking of beauty, because it has been gifted specially with natural scenes which one will really admire.

Why to go Green?
There is no doubt that going green and adopting the life style in which your environment should be clean and looking fresh is hard to oppose by any other creature on the earth. This is not only with the human beings but also a habit of animals that they love cleanliness and greenery.
Going green and adopting this life style was once thought as habit of hippies or tree huggers, now it has become essential for the survival of human beings. In last few years, all the business or corporate sectors as well as communities and political parties have struggled to work for green environment and saving the world form hazards which will completely spoil the lives of living creature on the world. But before discussing about why we need a lifestyle which is really go green and adoption of such green approaches, it is important to ask, why we need to go eco-friendly products and adopt go green approach? Actually many decades ago, world was not so less green as compared to its present condition. There were many things which were not causing pollution and becoming hazardous for this universe, but now due to different gases omitting from factories and production plants, use of plastic bags, scents which are spoiling the Ozone layer and breaking the protection layer.
A major reason of this is our population which is skyrocketing. The population of world will double in next five decades and present resources on the earth will shorten to their minimum level. People will be really at great difficulty to utilize the amount of resources which our ancestors did enjoy. There will be high volume of pollution and presence of killing gases in the atmosphere in future days. The wild life is directly effecting from such circumstances and water resources are going to minimum level. We know well that these natural resources are finite and will end one day. Human beings in decades ago didn’t have more requirements for their living like this generation and future generations’ requirements.
Only option to feed the human beings is to go green, to grow and fulfill the present food requirements. Present food requirements show that it will not only the Africa or Asia being directly affected from lack of food there, but all the five major continents will be effected from food shortage and highly required to grow more and become agriculturist mind.

There is no doubt that ecofriendly living is going to change the world like storm, although once it was thought as an idea which will need thousand years to implement and enjoy. The things are easier and looking simple to adopt or implement. Our requirements or needs are clearly visible to us, as well as techniques which we need to go green. Going green will not only protect our plant from any further disaster of natural resources and their minimizing but also our next generations will feel pride to live without being worry for pollution.

How we can start for Go Green?

To clearly understand the importance of go green and eco-friendly living, it will be our first priority to look at our current problems being facing. Our pollution which is increasing by minutes will reach at 9 billion till 205, according to United States Census for population studies. The earth will put under more and more pressure as our population will increase to survive our generations. It is just like getting something more output from a machine than its average or maximum productivity; we will need to lubricate such machine, adding more tools for its productivity enhancement, its maintenance and many things more. But here the case is much complex, because our planet does not have unlimited level of resources to supply to this generation as well as future generations.
These resources cannot be renewed for us to utilize them again. So it is important to take corrective actions and use the approaches with the help of which we can save our present resources which are left behind, with their efficient management to use as well as supplying the optimum amount of food and shelter to this generation. If you are ready to start a campaign for go green, then really you have made a great decision and will benefit from our guide. Here in this part of series to Go Green, you will get step by step learning about how to go green and six steps approach in next lesson to adopt total greenhouse approach.

Go Green Guide

This will also help you to go green in work and even in your vacations, because you have to survive or you have to kill the living creature with your efforts. You should clean all the garbage from your home and clean the home first. Setting your priority from the home, you can move to your garden and then your streets and whole area in the town with other fellows. There are many reasons for why should you go green. It will improve your health and keep you fresh and never depressed due to any hurdle or obstacle in your life. It is also important to eat food which is healthier and free from cholesterol or any other fats. Clean air is helpful to breath easily. Going for morning exercise as well as evening walk is much beneficial for our environment and to get the fresh breath. Go green also need that you should protect yourself from using any household chemicals or dangerous health items. Go green approach is also effective to provide resistance against illness and diseases. Now we will take a look for how to go through six steps for go green eco-friendly environment.