Category: Odd Gadgets

June 29, 2011June 27, 2011

Orange-powered Billboard

This Orange-powered Billboard certainly makes a statement. Instead of drawing mains electricity to light up, the billboard uses a large quantity of oranges to produce its energy, powering the board in a more environmentally friendly way.

June 15, 2011June 19, 2011

Recycled Circuit Board Trinket Box

This is a great little box for storing all those bits and pieces that often end up strewn around your computer. Made from recycled rectangles of motherboard, the box is an ideal way to keep your desk tidy while displaying your environmental and technological interests.

June 1, 2011May 30, 2011

Humane Spider Catcher Gadget

The is a great way to deal with unwanted creepy crawlies, especially when you don’t want to have to touch them! The catcher allows you to capture the spider, or other such critter, and take it to freedom outside unharmed.

May 16, 2011April 29, 2011

Whitepod – Eco-Friendly Hotel Concept

The Whitepod is an Eco-Friendly Hotel Concept, the aim is to offer sustainable tourism that helps those using the pods to be connected to the nature around them while having as minimal an impact on it as possible. The Whitepods achieve this without impeding on beauty or comfort, helping you to enjoy your holiday without...

May 11, 2011April 29, 2011

TC-11 – Solar Digital Spoon Scale

The , perfect to help you measure out just the right quantity of the lighter items that standard digital scales cannot cope with. The spoon scale allows you to measure out your herbs, oils and any other lightweight item exactly to ensure a perfect result when cooking every time.

May 6, 2011April 29, 2011

Grow Your Own Edible Flowers

These provide you with more than a colourful and beautiful pot of flowers – every flower in the box is edible. The flower kit contains everything you need to grow a delicious collection of edible flowers, helping to educate children about growing plants and over the variety of edible foods there are around them.

April 1, 2011April 1, 2011

Mud Bricks By MecoConcept

Building homes from mud is an age old way of constructing safe warm homes from very little. This new Hydraulic Compressor By MecoConcept can create a solid compact brick from mud in around 30 seconds. Each brick from the compressor has a LEGO brick like appearance helping it to be used with ease to quickly...