Category: Odd Gadgets

December 30, 2009December 30, 2009

MIT’s Copenhagen Wheel

At the Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change the researchers at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) unveiled the Copenhagen Wheel. The wheel basically stores up energy as you ride it, to then release the energy back as a boost when you need it most. The wheel can also communicate with your iPhone offering a myriad of...

December 18, 2009December 16, 2009

Eva2o – Food Cooling Through Evaporation

Industrial designer Dennis Cheng has designed a simple system to keep fruit and veg cool without using any electricity, in fact only using the cooling powers of evaporation. This concept is to help draw people away from a reliance on fridges and return to more natural methods of cooling and storing foods. This concept design...

September 3, 2009September 1, 2009

Growing Ring – Growing a plant in Jewellery

There are some eco-friendly gadgets that are just completely barmy, and the Growing Ring is a perfect example of that. Supposedly designed for people who live in metropolitan areas, the ring is meant to give a little comfort to the owner when there are no trees or plants around.

September 1, 2009September 1, 2009

Volksgarden Rotating Garden

The Volksgarden Rotating Garden is a circular hydroponics system that allows you to grow up to 80 plants in less than 9 square feet! The Volksgarden Rotating Garden rotates completely every 45 minutes, making the most efficient use of light, water and nutrients. The rotating garden is perfect if you don’t have a great deal...

August 25, 2009February 23, 2010

USB Greenhouse – The Ultimate Office Plant

For the ultimate gift for gardeners who work 9 to 5 in an office, there’s the new . The USB-powered greenhouse has an adjustable growth light, a computer interface to monitor the growth and well-being of the plant, some marigold seeds and enough artificial soil to get started. The computer software helps you monitor the...

July 8, 2009July 6, 2009

Fly-catching Insect-Powered LED Clock

Well, there are mud powered clocks, water-powered clocks, solar-powered clocks, so its not much of a stretch to see a bug-eating insect-guts powered clock! Created by designers Jimmy Loizeau and James Auger, the gadget harvests bugs from a sticky conveyor belt. The captured insects are then deposited on to a microbial fuel cell for digestion.

June 11, 2009June 4, 2009

Rotating Solar Powered Display Turntable

I do love these odd eco gadgets. Well, perhaps love to hate. This solar-powered turntable will rotate up to 200g of junk using nothing but the sun’s energy. 200g is very little weight, so you couldn’t use it for a plant or anything.