Category: Home Gadgets

December 21, 2012December 21, 2012

Natural Pest Control presents a unique way to keep pests out of your backyard, home garden, fields etc with a completely non-toxic and eco-friendly formulation that’s designed to be in perfect harmony with nature. Their flagship product “Cedar Oil Formulation” contains the extract of the Cedar tree oil which has been used since ancient times to ward...

December 15, 2012December 15, 2012

Bamboo Charcoal Room Fresheners

Room fresheners are fast becoming a vital necessity in any household or office as unwanted odors stale air cigarette smoke are very disagreeable to your visitors. Normal aerosol based room fresheners only add a fragrance to the air which just masks the bad odors with its pleasant fragrance. These chemical aerosols at times contain fragrances...

December 13, 2012December 14, 2012
Post -Your one Stop Eshop for Eco-Friendly Goods today launched which is an exclusive store for Eco-friendly products. You can now shop from thousands of Eco-friendly brands across a wide range of categories in the comfort of your home. All items are backed by’s 365-day return guarantee policy.   All of their products are thoroughly reviewed to ensure that they...

June 7, 2012June 7, 2012

Eco Star LCD 24L510

Review Users have experienced new technology with LCD television sets and desktop computers, which have high quality graphics and embedded with many new features. As compared to LED screen which were launched before and had low color schemes, LCD screen have much more to experience along with their new features. It has full HD 1080...

May 28, 2012May 28, 2012

How to go green with Eco Recycle bins

One of the major causes for increasing pollution is wastes and scraps materials which are not properly recycled. It has been found that more than 40 percent of the pollution in Asian countries has been dedicated to no recycling system, where disposable items are thrown away after use and it has become a major dilemma...

May 19, 2012May 19, 2012

Introducing the Green Shopping Bags

Although the use of plastic bags has solved our most of shopping stuff to handle, there is great issue concerned with use of plastic shopping bags. However to stop the increasing pollution level and searching for some best energy and environment saving alternatives, jute bags are getting popularity to replace the bags which are unable...

May 14, 2012May 14, 2012

Plain lazy self-Stirring Mug review

“Make tea not war”, this is the slogan message of new plain lay self-stirring mug. However what if you are making the coffee instead of tea. Making the tea or coffee with a traditional tea making pot was much difficult, you need to put it on fire and or use some electric mixture. Although making...

May 9, 2012May 9, 2012

Things which you don’t need in a Green Kitchen

A writer, Jules Clancy on a reviews website has published about what to cook in kitchen and what to have in kitchen, with description about components of a green kitchen. There are number of items which will be needed to avoid when you are thinking to move toward a green kitchen. Similarly, a detailed...

May 5, 2012May 5, 2012

Faucet Aerator is the efficient water saver

When we are talking about energy saving and go green for our world, there are many resources which are wasted in large volume and we have no alternative to renew them again for our use. The faucet aerator or tap aerator is a tip of modern indoor water systems used.  Without using an aerator, water...

April 28, 2012April 28, 2012

A review about Infinit Solar Charger Bag

Where our world has been highly affected with pollution and external hazards, scientists are researching continuously about eco-friendly products which might be helpful for our next generations. As the human beings are approaching toward an unknown destination by use of modern science and technology and making of destructive weapons and environmental hazards, time has come...