Category: Health Gadgets

December 21, 2012December 21, 2012

Natural Pest Control presents a unique way to keep pests out of your backyard, home garden, fields etc with a completely non-toxic and eco-friendly formulation that’s designed to be in perfect harmony with nature. Their flagship product “Cedar Oil Formulation” contains the extract of the Cedar tree oil which has been used since ancient times to ward...

May 21, 2012May 21, 2012

Femtosecond Lasers: Killing Cancer & Fusing Metal to Bone

Researchers and scientists are collaboratively working to bring functional femtosecond lasers in true world of medicine and make them out of the real sci-fi. A leading professor of mechanics and researcher, Mr. Robert Tzou told about how this new technology will be diseases killing bring ease to all the cancer patients, from dentistry to ecology...

May 17, 2012May 17, 2012

Ford Wants Vehicles to Monitor your Health

Ford is the world renowned auto maker with its great achievements as best environment friendly autos and utilizing the advanced technology for well-being of mankind. Latest health gadgets will contribute greatly for our health and fitness. Ford motors has currently announced a collaboration with Collaboration with software leading companies-the Microsoft, BlueMetals architectures, and Healthrageous to...

May 17, 2012May 17, 2012

Biomask Improves Facial Burn Treatment Results for Soldiers

A team of experts and engineers is working with surgeons step aside to develop masks which may heal the soldiers’ burnt skins. According to Wired magazine, Biomask will be the how in 2012 military soldiers will treat their burn faces. This Biomask will have regenerative elixir, actuators and sensors to use for several months, having...

May 15, 2012May 15, 2012

The 2012 gadgets for health conscious

The health gadgets are more valuable as compared to any other gadgets which are launching nowadays relating to electronics and other categories. More than 153,000 wrapped the Consumer electronics show in Las Vegas and 35 football fields which were covering this exhibition. The attendees also found plenty of health and fitness gadgets which were displayed...