Category: Eco Resources

May 26, 2012May 26, 2012

Data centers and their impact on our environment

The computer technology has changed the all work processes and flow of development, but it is important to verify that computer technology is as green as its working or not. The computing is not as green as it may look like after its uses. There is a growing awareness about the people about environmental protection...

May 25, 2012May 25, 2012

How to Go Green with Recycling

Recently many reviews have taken this topic at their top after major consideration of western countries to Go Green and apply major steps to stop the pollution expanding twice the rate today than a decade before.  To Go Green, there are many factors to consider and recycling is at the top among these. Recycling process...

May 24, 2012May 24, 2012

How Eco green bags benefit the environment

Eco green bags have several benefits on our environment. One of the basic advantages which we can get from use of green bags is reduction in wastes produced. Plastic bags are disposable bags and take enormous amount of space to fill or dispose them. But there is no way  to make the environment clean when...

May 19, 2012April 28, 2015

Green Tea Compound Can Kill Oral Cancer Cells & Helps in Weight Loss

Did you know that Green Tea is known to have extreme health benefits of which unwanted fat loss and prevention of oral cancer are primary? In this article, let us look at how having Green Tea goes about achieving this. Oral Cancer: Pennsylvania State University’s Joshua Lambert, co-director at Centre for Plant and Mushroom Foods...

May 18, 2012May 23, 2012

What are The Green schools and their major benefits?

In green schools initiatives, four pillars framework is used which will reduce the schools’ ecological footprints and creating healthier school environment. Green schools create an approach which bring solution to the major community problems and encourage the Go Green approach. Schools should be encourage to use the precautionary principle of “better to safe than sorry”,...

May 11, 2012May 11, 2012

Rammed Earth Homes–Eco-friendly, Long-lasting, and Just Plain Cool

Why there is the need to build an eco-friendly house? Are there any difference between an ordinary house and eco-friendly house and how much it will cost more to develop an eco-friendly house from ordinary living house? These are some of the questions which need to be answered when we are starting for eco-friendly homes....

May 8, 2012May 8, 2012

What is green roofing and major benefits of it?

Green roof or living roof refers to such building roofs which are completely or partially covered with greenery. Where the Go Green approach is getting more popularity in the world latest equipments have been invented to overcome the increasing pollution issue on our planet, green roofing will not only look an attractive view for many...

May 1, 2012May 5, 2012

A guide to design eco-friendly Life

In fairy tales, you may find that prince and princess are sitting beside a water lake in green gross, there are thick clouds on the sky, few birds are flying there and environment is really fascinating to enjoy the story and bring you in such beautiful scenes which are hard to watch in our real...

April 28, 2012April 28, 2012

A review about Infinit Solar Charger Bag

Where our world has been highly affected with pollution and external hazards, scientists are researching continuously about eco-friendly products which might be helpful for our next generations. As the human beings are approaching toward an unknown destination by use of modern science and technology and making of destructive weapons and environmental hazards, time has come...

April 28, 2012April 28, 2012

Eco friendly Philips HF3485 wake-up light

Getting up early morning is tough especially if you are living in Northern Europe or United Kingdom. Even in the London city, you cannot get light up to 7.50 am, which is really disturbing if your work is starting early in the morning or you have to take your dog for exercise before it pees...