Category: Eco Resources

April 3, 2013April 3, 2013

Ultra Suede An Alternative To Suede Leather

Suede leather is a popular choice for boots and shoes and no wardrobe would quite be complete without them. This soft leather is derived from the under skins of animals such as goat, lambs etc,  and does involve skinning animals for their hide. Also leather is processed using a number of chemicals which are often...

March 8, 2013November 30, 2012

Alternate Fuel – Biomass Briquettes

Biomass briquettes are made from natural waste such as grain husk, bagasse, refined municipal waste, certain variety of weeds and other natural substances which are left out after oil and food grain production. They are made by compressing and molding these substances to create a solid mass or a briquette. This can be used to...

December 11, 2012December 11, 2012

Alternate Energy source -Tidal Energy

As science looks forward to explore and identify new sources of alternate energy, there is an increased focus on harnessing the inherent power of nature to create more energy sources. Tidal energy is one form of energy which uses the energy of tides to power turbines to generate electricity. A tide is caused by a...

December 5, 2012December 5, 2012

Jatropha Biodiesel

Science and technology has greatly impacted our quality of life in every possible aspect .Since the invention of steam powered locomotives to the first aeroplanes, and to the latest cruise ship, all have revolutionized our living. There is one common factor which binds all our technological advancements, and that is the need for an energy...

December 3, 2012December 3, 2012

Alternate Energy Source – Hydrogen

Imagine a fuel source that occurs naturally, powers your vehicle in the same way as conventional fuels do, and also doesn’t release any toxic emissions. This isn’t a far-fetched projection of our technological marvels, but is using pure hydrogen as an energy source. Hydrogen occurs naturally in the atmosphere, is a light element, and a...

November 25, 2012November 25, 2012

Algae- The Next Generation Fuel

We have seen how Biofuels made from natural oils are being used an alternative to conventional diesel, largely by blending them with normal fuel. Let’s now look at what algae- the floating slimy green mass you see in seas and other water bodies, can do for us. During photosynthesis, algae capture carbon dioxide and sunlight and convert...

August 14, 2012August 14, 2012

E- Waste solution: New York focuses on old gadgets to make the city greener

Take a look around your office or home. How much space is being wasted with old, outdated electronics that you no longer use? Not only do those old computers, printers, monitors, phone systems, TVs, and other appliances take up a lot of space, but they’re just sitting there gathering dust and wasting away. They could...

August 8, 2012August 8, 2012

Underwater turbines to produce renewable energy

Wind and solar power energy resources can be used effectively with some major resources like nuclear energy or electricity produced form petroleum to fulfill the increasing energy demands of the world.  These can be used as alternative resources, because there is no surety that sun will glow brightly each day to produce optimum amount of...

August 4, 2012August 4, 2012

HWKN designs for MINI’s creative use of Space

Due to constraints of space, people have become more conscious to utilize the land area with beautiful and distinctive designs. The designs which should cover the land and also exhibit the natural art and pleasing to the eyes of people are highly preferred. Such designs are not limited to small space of land and also...

July 27, 2012July 27, 2012

EcoReef Antlers for Coral Reef Restoration

The coral reefs are suffering degradation from number of human and natural induced processes. Tackling the root causes of degradation through effective coastal management measures is likely to be best way forward for reducing damages and helping reefs to return to their health state back. There are also alternatives available for direct intervention to actively...