Category: Eco Green Homes

May 3, 2013May 3, 2013

Eco-Friendly paints from Mythic Paints

Paints do make our indoor spaces more vibrant, and also protect us against mildew and other sorts of organisms that inhabit our wall spaces. However, little do we know that that many chemicals present in paints, thinners, solvents are in fact harmful for our health. They are known to cause a lot of respiratory problems...

March 24, 2013March 24, 2013

Green Mortgage- An Upcoming Trend for Energy Efficiency

The concept of Green mortgage is recently becoming popular as more people are becoming eco-conscious and are looking to reduce their energy consumption. Greenmortgageeinvolves  modifying your home to make it more energy efficient. This could mean buying gadgets which work on alternative energy such as solar panels, using dimmable CFL lighting, LED panels, changing your...

March 18, 2013March 18, 2013

SimBioUsa-Eco-Friendly Disposable Tableware has an amazing range of disposable plates, boxes and garbage bags made from bagasse, sugarcane and wheatstraw fibers. Not only are they a perfect alternative to Styrofoam, plastic and paper plates  but are also bio-degradable and durable too. Their range of tableware is made from used sugarcane fiber called as bagasse which is left...

June 17, 2012June 17, 2012

Eco-housing- The demand of the day

The building  and construction sector is a  major source of  environmental degradation. Its geographical spread, rapid growth rate and the long lives of the structures being built, leads to widespread impacts affecting several generations. This makes this sector  a  hot   spot requiring careful analysis and  begin intervention. The dynamics of  current socio-economic systems ensure that...

June 2, 2012June 2, 2012

Green Homes are energy efficient solutions

Green homes have enough eco-friendly features to get platinum rating from LEED. LEED program is based on energy and environmental designing and to get LEED certification, your home must comply with the requirements given by LEED and its design should save water and energy sources, it should minimizing the carbon emissions and indoor quality of...