Category: Eco Friendly Vehicles

February 26, 2017February 26, 2017

Environmentally Friendly Electric Scooters

The total amount of greenhouse gases emission caused by an event, which is expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent, is called as carbon footprint. Due to increase in the greenhouse gases and other pollutants that can alter global climate to an alarming level, there is an urgent need to mitigate and minimize the carbon footprint at...

April 27, 2013April 27, 2013

Plugless Power Vehicle Charging System for Electronic Cars

Electric vehicles are fast becoming an alternative to fuel powered vehicles as they are non-polluting and cost efficient.  However, they require a wired charger which needs to be connected to the vehicle while charging. Often this is not quite feasible as your packing space might not have a socket nearby. To overcome such choke points...

February 8, 2013February 8, 2013

Copenhagen First Bicycle Superhighway has been opened

A new 11 miles superhighway construction project in Copenhagen has been finished and started working. This superhighway is first of 27 other bicycle routes that will be finished for people traveling within Copenhagen. This bicycle superhighway will motivate the commuters to use bike for their travel instead of car or bus. The city of Copenhagen...

February 2, 2013February 2, 2013

Eco-friendly Cardboard made $9 Bicycle

You may think it is an April joke? But it’s a truth that Izhar Gafni has successfully developed a bicycle from cardboard and recycled materials. This cardboard bicycle has been made of recycled material and a $9 cheap, light, durable and strong eco-friendly vehicle. This news was made to headlines about invention of Gafni ever...

December 13, 2012December 14, 2012
Post -Your one Stop Eshop for Eco-Friendly Goods today launched which is an exclusive store for Eco-friendly products. You can now shop from thousands of Eco-friendly brands across a wide range of categories in the comfort of your home. All items are backed by’s 365-day return guarantee policy.   All of their products are thoroughly reviewed to ensure that they...

September 28, 2012September 28, 2012

Rolls Royce 102EX Phantom Eco-Friendly Concept

Since Rolls Royce unveiled the electric 102EX Phantom at the Geneva Motor Show, 2011, this electric car has received rather lukewarm response from wealthier customers of Phantom around the world. They are apparently apprehensive about its range and not willing to wait for an eight hour charging. Although industry experts and automotive writers are quiet...

August 31, 2012August 31, 2012

Eco-Friendly Goods Transporting Vehicle Designed

Our world has been highly affected from high emission of carbon dioxide in atmosphere due to automobiles using the petroleum oils. Good transportation has been improved along with improvements of industrial era and introduction of fast goods delivery system through trains, aero planes and ships. We have come across a slew of conceptual designs that...

July 25, 2012July 25, 2012

Eco Friendly Rickshaw Coined as Eclipse

According to local Indian sources about eco-friendly rickshaws, it has been told that district administration of Moga has launched the eco-friendly rickshaws and will be soon appearing on the Moga roads. With dual aim of better quality rickshaw and helping the poor rickshaw pullers, the administration of Moga has focused on a pilot project here...

July 18, 2012July 18, 2012

BYU Hybrid Blue Won The SAE Formula Hybrid Competition

Engineering students of BYU have recently celebrated the success over their win for formula hybrid competition international 2012 at New Hampshire motor speedway.  This flashy blue hybrid made by engineering students of BYU made them to win the competition by 3 over 1000 points, so we can guess how stiff this had been made by...

July 15, 2012July 15, 2012

Why one should buy Eco Car insurance?

 More and more people are turning to buy eco car insurance and preferring to spend for protection and preservation of our natural life resources. Eco-friendly features of eco car insurance planes have been offered by many of the insurance companies, who have realized to contribute for environment along with funds paid to their members. But...

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