Shark & Tuna Inspired Power Generation

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We’ve learnt a lot from nature, such as flight and medicine. Scientists in Australia have designed an innovative power generation system inspired by the shape of the tailfins of Tuna and Sharks. The currents on the ocean floor impose a force on the fin of the BioStream device. The to-and-fro motion of the fin is directed into a specially designed gearbox that converts the oscillating motion into a rotational motion that drives a conventional dynamo.

Aside from the smart technique in harnessing ocean currents, Finnigan and his team have come up with an electricity generation system that has zero impact on the environment. Unlike wind turbines, the BioStream technology does not impact the local scenery either.

Tim Finnigan is a professor of ocean engineering at the University of Sydney in Australia and has founded a company called BioPower Systems to actively develop a range of nature-inspired electricity generators. His company intends to sell the energy created by the environmentally-friendly devices as a completely green energy source.

Although the energy is entirely green, it does come at a price. But just think what BioPower Systems could do with the money it raises from selling energy. Hopefully even more incredibly innovative eco friendly technologies!

Source: TriplePundit