Eolic – Foldable Wind Powered Generator

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Eolic Foldable Wind Powered Generator

The Eolic is a wind powered generator that has been designed to be easily transported to and used in areas that do not have a steady supply of electrcity. It achieves this by being constructed to be folded up into a small and relativly lightweight bundle.

Eolic Foldable Wind Powered Generator

The Eolic has been designed by Marcos Madia, Sergio Ohashi and Juan Manuel Pantano to be usable in areas still under construction or being rebuilt after a desaster. It could also be used to power a small household or top up existing electrical supplies with eco friendly energy.

The Eolic can be folded up into just one package, this means there are no loose bits to go missing when it is being transported from one place to another. Constructed out of ultra light weight materials such as aluminium and carbon fiber, the generator is a portable and simple system to use. In addition, as it can be folded into a relativly small bundle it also saves on space. The Eolic can be extended up by its telescopic pole which has three section to it, to achieve a decent height to take advantage of the wind. It should take only two or three men to unfold the Eolic and get it into a functioning state.

These features mean that many of them can be transported with relative ease into areas that have a desperate need for energy, and as the wind can blow both through the day and at night the energy provided could prove to be a steady and constant help to many. The Eolic could also due to these features be a pratical way for many households to supliment their electricity needs with this eco friendly source without the difficulties other wind powered generators can cause.

Source: EcoFriend