Wall-Mounted Rain Water Butt

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Wall-Mounted Water Butt

With it being the wet season, particularly in Europe, it makes sense to collect as much rain water as possible ready for the spring. Due to growing populations, clean water is becoming increasingly scarce. Rather than use fresh drinking water to water your garden, why not just collect rain water? It’s free! If space is an issue, a wall-mounted water butt is a simple device to collect rain water without needing a large garden.

Another great use of rain water is for washing cars and windows. Usually, any sediment falls to the bottom of a water tank, which means the water is certainly clean enough to do some cleaning with it.

The water butt can hold a total of 100 litres (22 gallons) of rain water, which is collected from the down-pipe from the guttering typically found on UK homes. Once the water tank is full, the extra water flows out the overflow, which is basically down the downpipe underneath the water tank. This means you can install the water tank, and then forget it, as it looks after itself.

The kit includes all fixtures and fittings, including a tap and connectors to your guttering downpipe. Made from black UV protected Polyethylene, the tank measures 46cm (w) x 23 cm (d) x 122cm (h). The 100 litre water butt costs £99, and you can also get larger water tanks too.

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