Energy Saving and Water Saving Smart Shower

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Smart Shower

The smart shower is a multi functional and energy saving shower desired for the James Dyson Awards. The shower uses heat exchanger technology to reduce energy consumption, and aerating shower heads to reduce water consumption. The shower has an integrated work basin that allows you to bath babies, wash your hair and other cleaning activities.

Smart Shower - Baby Washing

The smart shower has been created to allow less-abled users to shower easily with a 2 door system and internal safety rail. Unlike other shower units designed for disabled users, the smart shower doesn’t look like it’s been designed for disabled users. This allows the shower to be used by a greater range of individuals as well as saving some embarrassment for those with limited mobility.

A rather interesting feature is that the shower has been designed to be easy to install and dismantle. This means owners can take the shower with them when they move home too! So the smart shower is universal, eco-friendly and re-usable!