Dyson Energy Bracelet – Wrist Phone Charger

Home / Cellular and Mobile Phones / Dyson Energy Bracelet – Wrist Phone Charger

Dyson Energy Bracelet - Phone

The Dyson Energy Bracelet is a pretty novel gadget that uses the thermoelectric effect to generate electricity to charge up your cell phone. Due to a difference in temperature between the surface of the skin and the ambient environment, a Peltier element converts that temperature difference into an electrical current, which is stored in a battery on the wrist strap.

Dyson Energy Bracelet - Show Stored Energy

When a mobile device needs charging, the wrist strap is just plugged into the micro-USB port of the gadget to charge it up. Although you won’t get hours of use, the charge should be enough for a few minutes talk time. A cool feature on the strap allows you to check the capacity of the battery with tiny LEDs too. As far as green gadgets go, its a very creative use of the thermoelectric effect, and I imagine we’ll be seeing more of this technology in the future.

No pricing or availability information was available at the time of writing.

Dyson Energy Bracelet - Exploded View

Source: YankoDesign